
Indirect Purchases
Long time , indirect purchases were considered as the poor side of the purchases.
Today, in sharing this post of indirect purchases , it can bring you significant substantial savings of the order of 20% i.e. a direct increase in your net margin within a very short time.
You need a partner like ALLIANCE PRODUCTION to carry out this work.
This work can be carried out only through a partner as ALLIANCE PRODUCTION, because our role is to identify overall needs in each product, to competitive bidding, to choose the best value quality, service and price.
Of course a permanent watch through a recurring benchmark will ensure the sustainability of the best compromise over time.

Direct purchases
On this part, if you don’t work in co-sourcing or finished product, the added value of a partner as Alliance Production is lower but it should not be totally overshadowed because this partnership enables to have a powerful benchmark as well as a significant technological watch.
